At the end of 2020, GSE Intégration became a member of BIPV Nederland and a pending member of Holland Solar. These two memberships will allow the company to take part in the structuring and development of the photovoltaic sector. In addition, we are advocating our position of European leader of integration systems for photovoltaic panels and our desire to support the Netherlands market more and more.
We have always been established in the Netherlands market – one of the largest in the photovoltaic sector – and we shall be able to continue to expand our business by meeting potential partners, customers and outsourcers, thereby encouraging more direct exchanges during the numerous working meetings, events and collective missions. This is all the more interesting as this market is where photovoltaic is the most significant in the new build regulations. Over and beyond the Netherlands sector, this will help us to play a role in the energy transition by helping to prepare positions of the profession and define standards and technical standards of the sector by promoting our ten years of global expertise in the BIPV market and the 150 years of knowledge of the Terreal group in roof covering techniques. In addition, we shall participate in the training sessions on market evolutions reserved for members and thus boost our skills.
We are proud of becoming a member of these two associations which give us fine possibilities and opportunities and continue, following the commercial support on the ground we have been offering our partners for the last six months, to show our willingness to be involved in the global energy transition.